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Hair care

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How to choose natural cosmetics for hair care?

In recent years, more and more people pay attention to natural cosmetics for hair care. This is not surprising, as chemical ingredients can negatively affect the health of hair, causing dryness, breakage and even irritation of the scalp. Natural products, on the contrary, are based on natural ingredients that nourish and revitalise hair. In this ... Read more
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The best products for winter hair care

In winter, our hair is subjected to many challenges: cold winds, low temperatures, dry indoor air – all of these can have a negative impact on its condition. During this period it is especially important to provide your hair with the right care to keep it healthy, shiny and moisturised. Let’s tell you about the ... Read more
никотиновая кислота

Nicotinic acid: accelerate hair growth at home

Many people strive to accelerate hair growth, give them shine and strength, using natural remedies and cosmetic products. Home hair care, including masks, oils and special additives, can work wonders. Natural remedies for hair growth The use of natural ingredients has always been popular in home hair care. They are not only safe but also ... Read more