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How to strengthen immunity during the cold season?


With the onset of cold weather, our bodies face new challenges: changing temperatures, reduced sunlight and humidity, as well as close contacts with people, which often lead to the spread of viruses. During such periods, it is especially important to keep the immune system in good condition. Here are some effective and proven ways to strengthen the body’s defences to get through the cold season without colds and illnesses.

Good nutrition: the basis of a strong immune system

Our immunity depends largely on the quality and balance of our diet. Nutrients, vitamins and minerals from food support the cells of the immune system, helping them to fight infections.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts immunity. It is found in citrus fruits, kiwi, bell peppers, broccoli and berries. For example, an orange for breakfast or a salad with bell peppers at lunch will help to fulfil your daily requirement of this vitamin.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another important element for immunity. In winter, its deficiency becomes especially noticeable due to the lack of sunlight. Include foods rich in vitamin D in your diet, such as fish (salmon, tuna), egg yolks and mushrooms. You can also consult your doctor about taking supplements.


Zinc is a mineral that promotes cell regeneration and speeds up wound healing, which is important for defence against viruses. Nuts, seeds, oatmeal and legumes are excellent sources of zinc to add to your diet.

Sleep and physical activity

Lifestyle is equally important, including adequate rest and moderate physical activity. These factors have a significant impact on the immune system and can improve the body’s defences.

Healthy sleep

Lack of sleep weakens the immune system and makes us vulnerable to infections. To maintain good health, experts recommend sleeping 7-9 hours a night. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time, even at weekends, to stabilise your circadian rhythm.

Physical activity

Regular exercise helps to maintain blood circulation and improve metabolism, which has a positive effect on immunity. In winter, outdoor walks, yoga and light cardio exercises are particularly beneficial. For example, a walk in the park will improve your mood and provide your body with fresh oxygen.

Relaxation and stress management

Stress significantly weakens your immune system, so it’s important to take time to relax. Use meditation techniques, deep breathing or simply read a book before bed. Reducing stress will help the body to focus its energies on fighting infections rather than overcoming internal tensions.

Folk recipes and prevention of colds

In addition to proper nutrition and lifestyle, you can also turn to folk remedies that helped our ancestors fight cold and disease. Among such recipes are warm drinks and natural infusions that can strengthen the immune system.

Tea with ginger, honey and lemon

Ginger is a natural antioxidant and antiseptic. Combined with honey and lemon, it helps boost immunity, warms and energises. Simply add a slice of fresh ginger and a teaspoon of honey to a cup of warm tea or water, and enjoy this healthy drink.

Rosehip tincture

Rose hips are rich in vitamin C, so they are useful for preventing colds. Pour a handful of berries with boiling water and let infuse. Such a drink can be drunk daily as part of the morning ritual to boost immunity.

Garlic and onions

These products contain phytoncides – substances that have antiviral properties. Fresh garlic and onions in dishes will strengthen the body’s defences. For example, you can make garlic croutons or add some fresh onions to salads.

Taking care of yourself and regularly strengthening your immunity will allow you to stay active and healthy even in the cold season.