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косметика для кожи

How to choose the right cosmetics for your skin?

Cosmetics that are tailored to your skin improve its condition, eliminate problems and keep it healthy. Let’s take a look at how to determine your skin type and choose cosmetics, avoiding common mistakes. Skin type: what skin types are there and how to determine yours? Experts have defined 4 types of skin: dry, oily, combined ... Read more
мифы о диетах

Myths about diets: what is true and what is not?

Diets are one of the most discussed topics related to health and appearance. Over time, there have been many myths and misconceptions surrounding diets that can confuse those who want to improve their diet or lose excess weight. Let’s break down popular myths about diets and find out what is true and what is a ... Read more
домашний спа-салон

How to create a home spa: a step-by-step guide

Dreaming of a relaxing spa experience from the comfort of your own home? A home spa is a great way to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of tranquillity and self-care in a cosy environment. Regardless of budget and time, you can organise a full spa ritual at home using simple products and natural ingredients. Let’s ... Read more
медицинские товары для дома

How to choose reliable medical products for home use?

Taking care of your health starts with choosing the right medical products for home use. There are situations when it is not possible to get professional medical help, so it is important to have on hand quality products for self-diagnosis, care and treatment. Let’s look at the main criteria for choosing medical products for home ... Read more

How to strengthen immunity during the cold season?

With the onset of cold weather, our bodies face new challenges: changing temperatures, reduced sunlight and humidity, as well as close contacts with people, which often lead to the spread of viruses. During such periods, it is especially important to keep the immune system in good condition. Here are some effective and proven ways to ... Read more
натуральная косметика уход за волосами

How to choose natural cosmetics for hair care?

In recent years, more and more people pay attention to natural cosmetics for hair care. This is not surprising, as chemical ingredients can negatively affect the health of hair, causing dryness, breakage and even irritation of the scalp. Natural products, on the contrary, are based on natural ingredients that nourish and revitalise hair. In this ... Read more
пищевые добавки

Nutritional supplements: what is important to know when choosing?

The modern rhythm of life dictates its own conditions, and sometimes it becomes difficult to support the body with a full nutrition. This is where nutritional supplements come to the rescue. They can fill the deficit of useful substances, support health and improve overall well-being. However, it is important to realise that not all supplements ... Read more
уход за кожей зимой

Skincare tips for winter. How to preserve your beauty?

In winter, the skin is under increased stress. Cold wind, frost and dry indoor air have a negative impact, making it dry, sensitive and prone to irritations. To avoid unpleasant consequences of winter weather, you need to pay special attention to skin care during this period. Let’s tell you how to properly care for your ... Read more
уход за волосами зимой

The best products for winter hair care

In winter, our hair is subjected to many challenges: cold winds, low temperatures, dry indoor air – all of these can have a negative impact on its condition. During this period it is especially important to provide your hair with the right care to keep it healthy, shiny and moisturised. Let’s tell you about the ... Read more
парфюм на зиму

How to choose the right perfume for winter?

Summer fragrances, light and fresh, often seem inappropriate in cold weather. In winter, you want something warmer, rich and long-lasting, so that the perfume ‘warms up’ and emphasises your personality. In this article we will tell you how to choose the perfect perfume for winter and what notes are preferable in the cold season. Why ... Read more
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