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How to choose high-quality skis for winter sports?

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Winter sports attract with the ability to stay in shape and admire the rough beauty of nature in the cold time of the year. Skiing is one of the most popular outdoor activities. However, it is important to choose skis correctly to get the most pleasure and comfort out of your skiing experience. Let’s look at some things to pay attention to in this winter sport.

Selecting the right skis: length, height and skiing style

When choosing skis, the first important step is to decide on their length, which depends on the athlete’s height, weight and the fitness level. It is important to remember that the length of the skis influences the control and stability while skiing.

Height and length of the skis

Short skis, about 10-15 cm less than your height, are recommended for beginners. They offer easy handling and help you control your movements on the slope better. Shorter skis can be turned and stopped more easily. Experienced skiers can take longer models into consideration, as they allow to achieve a higher speed and offer stability on big slopes.

Skiing style

Selecting the length of the skis also depends on the skiing style. Those who prefer to ski on groomed slopes (carving) can use skis of medium length. For free riding – skiing on untouched and ungroomed slopes – it is best to choose longer models. They provide good stability on soft snow and better sliding. But if you prefer freestyle with tricks and jumps, you should choose short and agile skis which are easy to control in the air.

Ski types: how to choose the right kind?

Depending on where and how you plan on skiing, it is necessary to chose the right type of ski.

Alpine skis

This type of skis is designed for skiing on groomed slopes on ski resorts. They have a more narrow waist, providing an ideal grip with the slope and maneuverability on hard snow. Alpine skis are suitable for beginners and experienced athletes, as they are available in a variety of options from simple models to high-performance professional skis.

Free ride skis

If you love skiing outside of groomed slopes, on deep and soft snow, then take skis for free riding into consideration. They are wider than alpine skis for better crossing of untouched deep snow. Also, these skis are suitable for those who seek new emotions and are ready for nature’s challenges.

Freestyle skis

These skis are designed for performing tricks and jumps in special parks and slopes. They are shorter and more flexible, allow easy maneuverability in the air and performance of difficult elements. Freestyle skis are the best choice for those who love experimenting on slopes and trying new tricks.

Technical characteristics: stiffness and material

In addition to length and type, technical characteristics, such as stiffness and material, are important. These factors directly influence handling and comfort while skiing.

Stiffness of skis

The stiffness of skis determines their ability to flex and respond to your pressure. Soft skis are suitable for beginners as they are more forgiving to mistakes and are more easily to control at lower speeds. On the other hand, hard skis require a higher fitness level and precision of movement, but they offer great stability and control on high speed. Selection of stiffness depends on the fitness level and skiing style.


Modern skis are made of different materials, such as wood, carbon fibre reinforced plastic, glass fibre and aluminium. Wooden cores provide skis with great flexibility and durability, whereas using modern materials makes them lighter and stronger. Skis with carbon fibre reinforced plastic and glass fibre are a great choice for those who value reliability and comfort.

Selecting quality skis for winter sports is an important process where a lot of factors have to be taken into account. From length and type to stiffness and material – all this has an impact on comfort and safety while skiing. The right choice of skis allow you to get the most out of your skiing and give you confidence on any slope.