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Smoothie recipes for detoxifying the body

Body detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins and toxins accumulated in the body due to improper diet, environment and stress. One of the popular and effective ways of cleansing is the consumption of smoothies. Drinks based on fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and seeds help to improve digestion, speed up metabolism and saturate the body ... Read more
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Special dishes for vegans: recipes and tips

Every year, vegan cuisine is becoming more popular, and more and more people give preference to plant-based products. But it’s important to know what dishes and techniques will help bring out the flavour of the ingredients, so that vegan meals are delicious and varied. A few interesting recipes will help you do just that. Plant-based ... Read more
красная икра

Red caviar: benefit or luxury?

Red caviar is one of the most popular delicacies, which is associated with luxury and holidays. But many people are concerned about the question: is red caviar just a symbol of prestige or does it really benefit our body? Let’s get to the bottom of it. Fats, vitamins and minerals: useful properties of red caviar ... Read more

Shiitake: the secret of a unique mushroom and its benefits for the body

Shiitake (Lentinus Edodes) is a mushroom with an ancient history and a huge list of useful properties, which has been appreciated in Asian culture for thousands of years. This mushroom originally grew on tree trunks in the forests of East Asia, mainly in China and Japan. Over time, it has gained popularity around the world ... Read more
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How to feed yourself on a camping trip: what to take to be tasty and nourishing

Planning a summer camping trip? Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of preparation, which requires special attention. After all, what you take with you depends not only on the taste of your meals, but also on the energy needed to overcome all the obstacles on the way. Products for camping For summer camping, ... Read more

Grenki with sprats – a classic snack with a rich history

Grenki with sprats is a classic snack that originated in Soviet times and quickly gained popularity due to its simplicity and exquisite taste. This snack was often prepared for holidays and celebrations, thanks to the availability of ingredients and quick preparation. Crusty bread, tender sprats and a light smoky flavour create the perfect combination that ... Read more

Narsharab: how to make the perfect pomegranate sauce at home

Pomegranate sauce, known as narsharab, is one of the most unique and healthy sauces that adds a special piquancy and bright flavour to your dishes. This thick sauce made from pomegranates surprises with its combination of sweetness and sourness, which makes it suitable for a wide variety of dishes. A source of vitamins and minerals ... Read more

Quick lunch: Makarony po-flotsi (navy style pasta) with canned meat

Navy-style pasta is a simple but hearty dish that was originally cooked in the navy. Soldiers and sailors needed a quick, nutritious and inexpensive meal, and pasta with meat became a great solution. Over time, the dish gained popularity in everyday life as well, thanks to its simplicity, flavour and ability to satiate quickly. Popular ... Read more
печень трески

Cod liver salad: favourite recipes with the sea delicacy

Cod liver is one of the most valuable delicacies, which has been decorating the tables of seafood lovers for several decades. It is a product known not only for its rich flavour, but also for its rich content of useful substances. Easily digestible fatty acids, vitamins A and D make cod liver especially useful for ... Read more

Okroshka: a traditional cold dish for summer days

Okroshka is a refreshing cold dish that is especially popular in summer. This traditional Russian dish is a kind of soup based on finely chopped vegetables, meat or fish, poured with sour milk or kvass broth. Okroshka is distinguished by its lightness, freshness and bright flavours, which are ideal for hot weather. Origin of okroshka ... Read more
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