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Cross for christening: traditions of Orthodox and Catholics


Christening is one of the most important sacraments in the Christian tradition, symbolising the newborn’s entry into church society and receiving God’s protection. An indispensable attribute of this rite is a cross, which the new convert wears throughout his life. But how to choose a cross, taking into account the differences in the traditions of Orthodoxy and Catholicism? And what metal is preferable – red gold or silver?

Orthodox and Catholic crosses

Orthodox and Catholic crosses differ not only in shape, but also in symbolism. In the Orthodox tradition, the cross can be eight-pointed: with the upper horizontal crossbar, symbolising the tablet with the inscription ‘INRI’ (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews), and sloping lower, meaning two robbers crucified with Christ. But the most common are four-pointed crosses, simple and concise.

Catholic crosses are usually four-pointed, depicting Christ crucified. This type of cross symbolises the suffering and sacrifice of the Saviour for the sins of mankind.

Choice of metal: red gold or silver?

Crosses made of red gold and silver have their own features and advantages. Red gold, symbolising wealth and strength, looks bright and festive. It is resistant to corrosion and does not require frequent cleaning. However, gold crosses are more expensive and heavier, which is not always convenient for a small child.

Silver crosses, on the other hand, symbolise purity. They are more affordable and have a soft lustre that is not conspicuous. Silver also has antibacterial properties. The choice between gold and silver usually depends on family traditions, preferences and budget.

The significance of the cross in a child’s life

The cross worn at a christening has a deep spiritual significance. It is a symbol of faith, protection and belonging to the Christian community. For the child, the cross is not just a piece of jewellery, but a spiritual amulet that accompanies him throughout his life.

Cross decoration and pendant

Modern crosses can be decorated with precious stones, which adds to their beauty and symbolism. Stones represent different aspects of faith and spirituality. For example, sapphires are associated with wisdom and heavenly truth, rubies with love and sacrifice, and emeralds with rebirth and eternal life.

In addition, pendants in the form of angels or icons are often worn together with crosses. A pendant depicting a guardian angel symbolises protection and support, while an icon symbolises a connection with a particular saint or holiday. Such pendants can be both independent jewellery and complement the cross, creating a unique and meaningful set.

Choosing a cross for a christening is an important and reverent event for every family. The shop Kaufbei.TV provides an opportunity to choose a spiritual amulet for every taste and purse. And remember: regardless of what metal the cross will be made of and how it will be decorated, the main thing is its spiritual meaning and the faith it symbolises.