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Okroshka: a traditional cold dish for summer days


Okroshka is a refreshing cold dish that is especially popular in summer. This traditional Russian dish is a kind of soup based on finely chopped vegetables, meat or fish, poured with sour milk or kvass broth. Okroshka is distinguished by its lightness, freshness and bright flavours, which are ideal for hot weather.

Origin of okroshka

Originally, okroshka was prepared by peasants by mixing available seasonal vegetables and kvass. It was a way to satiate yourself with a minimum of ingredients, keeping you fresh and invigorated on sweltering days. Over time, the recipe for okroshka has evolved, and today there are many varieties to suit every taste.

Types of okroshka

Okroshka can be prepared on the basis of various products and liquids. Here are some of the most popular variants:

  • Classic okroshka on kvass. The traditional version of the dish, where kvass serves as the basis for pouring.
  • Okroshka on kefir. This variant is prepared on kefir or other fermented milk product, which gives the dish a slight sourness.
  • Meat okroshka. Includes pieces of boiled sausage, chicken or beef.
  • Fish okroshka. A kvass-based filling with chunks of fish such as cod or perch added.

Okroshka and mustard: the perfect combination

One of the traditional ingredients for serving okroshka is mustard, which gives the dish a pleasant spiciness and rich flavour. The Russian extra-sharp Leis mustard from the Kaufbei TV shop is ideal for this. This mustard not only enhances the flavour accents of the dish, but also enriches it with spicy notes, emphasising the freshness of the okroshka.

Flavour and benefits

Leis mustard is a true classic of Russian cuisine, known for its bright and spicy flavour. Made from 26% mustard powder, this mustard gives spice and depth to dishes. It goes well not only with okroshka, but also with meat and sausages. Its piquant taste accentuates the flavours of meat, giving each piece a bright and rich hue.

In addition, mustard is a useful product. It contains vitamins, antioxidants and natural oils that improve digestion and stimulate the appetite.

Recipe for classic okroshka with mustard

Try cooking okroshka with mustard Leis, and you will see how the dish will sparkle with new flavours.

Ingredients: boiled potatoes – 2 pieces, fresh cucumbers – 2 pieces, radishes – 5-6 pieces, green onions – 1 bunch, dill – 1 bunch, parsley – 1 bunch, boiled sausage or boiled chicken breast – 200 g, boiled eggs – 2 pieces, For the filling you will need: kvass (or kefir, to taste) – 1 litre, sour cream – 200 g, mustard Leis Russian extra spicy – 1-2 tsp (to taste), salt – to taste, ground black pepper – to taste.


  1. Cut the boiled potatoes, cucumbers, radishes, eggs and meat into small cubes.
  2. Finely chop the green onions, dill and parsley.
  3. In a deep bowl, combine all the chopped vegetables, meat and eggs. Add the herbs.
  4. In a separate container, mix sour cream and Leis mustard. This will give the okroshka piquancy and a slight spiciness. Add salt and pepper to this mixture to taste.
  5. Pour the prepared filling into the bowl with the vegetables and meat and mix. Then add kvass (or kefir) and mix well.
  6. Serve the okroshka chilled. You can additionally decorate the dish with a spoonful of sour cream and a pinch of fresh herbs.

You can adjust the amount of mustard to your taste to achieve the right level of spiciness. Okroshka with Leis mustard will be a great choice for a summer lunch or dinner.