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Seaweed salad: your daily serving of nutrients

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Seaweed, also known as kelp, has a unique flavour that combines the light salinity of the ocean with a pleasant crunchiness. It is often used in cooking due to its rich flavour and beneficial properties.

Useful gift of the sea

This product is rich in iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, and also contains B vitamins, iron, magnesium and calcium, essential for strengthening immunity and maintaining general health.

Regular consumption of seaweed helps regulate metabolism, maintain healthy skin and hair, improve the digestive system and lower cholesterol levels.

Doctors recommend including seaweed in your diet at least 2-3 times a week. The optimal portion for an adult is about 100-150 grams per day, which allows you to get all the necessary nutrients without overloading the body.

Dishes with seaweed

Seaweed is excellent for various dishes. It can be added to salads, soups, side dishes and even used as a filling for sushi. It combines well with vegetables, meat and seafood, giving dishes an exquisite taste and flavour.

Salad with nut sauce

Santa Bremore Company’s Seaweed Salad with Nutty Cheek Sauce is a unique combination of tender undaria cabbage and a flavourful nutty sauce. The seaweed in this salad has a soft yet crunchy texture and a sweet flavour that is perfectly complemented by the tanginess of the sauce. Roasted peanuts and sesame oil add depth of flavour and a pleasant nutty aroma to the dish.

Tasty combinations

The pike salad presented in the Kaufbei TV shop can be served as an independent dish or as part of a more complex menu. It goes well with:

  • Seafood. A perfect accompaniment to fresh oysters, mussels or baked salmon. Its light iodine flavour accentuates the freshness of seafood.
  • Grilled fish. Salad can be used as a side dish to grilled fish such as mackerel, salmon or tuna.
  • Asian cuisine. It is ideal as part of sushi and rolls, adding a nice textural contrast and rich flavour.
  • Meat dishes. Serve the salad with roast meat or chicken to create a harmonious combination of flavours.

Balanced diet

Salad is beneficial for anyone who is keen to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. It is rich in fibre, antioxidants and healthy fats, which help to improve digestion and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Seaweed salad is especially recommended for people with iodine deficiency, athletes and those watching their weight due to its low calorie and high nutritional value.

“Shchuka” from the company “Santa Bremore” is not only tasty, but also an extremely healthy addition to any diet.