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Autumn holidays: what to take with you for a comfortable and easy holiday?

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Autumn is a special time when nature blooms with new colours and the weather becomes cooler and cosier. There is no more exhausting summer heat, and prices for air tickets and hotels are often lower than in high season. But to make your holiday really comfortable and unforgettable, it’s important to pack your luggage properly.

Advantages of autumn holidays

Holidays in early autumn have a number of advantages that you should keep in mind when planning your trip. The cool, but not yet cold weather makes walking pleasant and non-tiring. This time is ideal for sightseeing, hiking, nature trips and leisurely enjoyment of local attractions. Autumn holidays are also good for those who like privacy and tranquillity – tourist spots become less busy, allowing you to avoid the crowds and enjoy travelling at your own pace.

Luggage for an autumn holiday

To make sure your autumn holiday goes off without a hitch, it’s important to pack compact and functional luggage. Here’s a list of the most essential items that will help make your holiday comfortable:

  • Comfortable clothing for the weather. In early autumn, the weather is often unpredictable – mornings and evenings can be chilly, while temperatures rise to comfortable levels during the day. Include in your luggage several layers of clothing that can be easily combined: t-shirts, cardigans, a warm jumper, a light jacket or windbreaker. Don’t forget comfortable jeans or trousers and a pair of comfortable shoes for long walks.
  • Accessories to protect you from the weather: An umbrella, scarf and hat can be very useful during autumn. Even if the weather forecast promises sunshine, an umbrella and hat will save you from sudden rain or wind.
  • A compact skincare kit. In autumn, skin can become dry due to the change in weather. Take along a moisturiser for your face and hands, lip balm, and sunscreen as the autumn sun can still be active.
  • Electronics and chargers. Don’t forget to bring your camera or tablet to capture autumn scenery and holiday highlights. Make sure you have all the necessary chargers and perhaps a portable battery.
  • Traveller’s first aid kit. Include the basic medications you might need on your trip: analgesics, band-aids, allergy and cold remedies. In autumn, your immune system can weaken, so it’s best to prepare in advance.
  • Reusable water bottle and thermos. It’s important to keep hydrated, especially during long walks. A reusable water bottle or a thermos with hot tea will be a great addition to your luggage.

How to pack light and functional luggage?

To pack a small piece of luggage with everything you need, plan ahead. Think about the weather and activities you plan to do on holiday and pack accordingly. Use packing cubes: they help you to rationalise the space in your suitcase and make it easy to find what you need. Give preference to multifunctional items. Clothes that can be combined and accessories that match any outfit will help to reduce the number of items. Minimise cosmetics and hygiene products, take miniatures or reusable bottles of essentials.

Autumn holidays are a great time to reboot and recuperate before the long winter. Properly packed luggage, including only the essentials, will help make your holiday comfortable and enjoyable.