Ordered in Germany. Delivered to Switzerland.
Through MeinEinkauf.ch, private customers and businesses with a residential or business address in Switzerland (or Liechtenstein) can purchase goods from online retailers in Germany and have them shipped to their address in Switzerland.
As a MeinEinkauf.ch customer, you receive a @MeinEinkauf.ch email address. If you use this email address and purchase and pay for goods on behalf of MeinEinkauf GmbH (Germany), your order will be fully cleared and taxed by MeinEinkauf AG (Switzerland) and delivered directly to you in Switzerland. You do not pay any import duties or presentation fees.
For a delivery from any online retailer in Germany (e.g., amazon.de), you pay - often even without shipping costs - the same final price as customers in Germany (in euros) and only a service fee from CHF 14.90 (see price list) to MeinEinkauf.ch, which includes customs clearance and shipping to your address in Switzerland or Liechtenstein.
Please be sure to follow our instructions on correctly addressing your shipment and choosing the appropriate payment method. Also, note that MeinEinkauf.ch cannot deliver certain goods to Switzerland.