The Violet is a stylish G-spot vibrator from the elegant collection of Bloom. The beautiful design of both the vibrator and the packaging makes the Violet a must-have toy for any woman. This vibrator features a unique swipe technology that makes it easier to set up the vibrator to your liking. It works like this: turn on the vibrations and choose your favorite pattern by pressing the button on the handle. Then swipe your thumb left or right across the blades to increase or decrease the vibration speed. There are 5 different patterns and 5 speeds per pattern. The Violet is made of velvety silicone and feels fantastic against your skin. It is also splash proof so you can use it in the shower. The Violet comes with great extras, namely a blindfold and a toy bag. It also comes with a detailed instruction manual that explains how to operate and use the vibrator, as well as tips on cleaning and maintaining it.
L:0.21 m
Gross weight
0.478 kg